Important customers

Believe it or not, printing is one of the most demanding business branches. However, those who have tried printing are often so excited that they stay within this branch all their lives. The uniqueness of this field is given by the fact that first of all it is a service, which means that every product and every order are unique. No man ever steps in the same river twice fully applies here. That is why it is vital to have a perfect and honest relationship with customers, because only in this way quality products with added value can be created, which will have their own stories and soul.

We have a stable customer base; most of our customers have been in touch with us for several years or even decades. With some of them, we already have quite personal relationships. We appreciate that and it is a pleasure for us to fulfil their wishes and meet their needs.

AC-T servis, spol. s r.o.

Catalogues >>, promotional materials >>

BASF spol. s.r.o.

Notepads, technical flyers >>, price lists, catalogues >>, calendars, personal organizers >>,
folders, envelopes and headed paper, self adhesive labels >>

BOIRON CZ, s.r.o.

Brochures, notepads >>, colouring books, posters, personal organizers >>, die-cut >>

GeoBohemia, s.r.o.

Periodicals and magazines >>


Promotional materials >>

Nakladatelství VEGA-L

Book printing and binding >>, postcards>>

Sazka a.s.

Stickers, labels, promotional materials >>, calendars >>, carbonless paper >>

Stil trade s.r.o.

Greeting cards, documents >>

TOPSTAR agency a.s.

Periodicals and magazines >>, catalogues >>, forms >>


Promotional materials >>
ČSN EN ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004  (llc_logo_w.jpg) FSC_AJ_2018 (loga FSC na web-2.svg) Koenig & Bauer Group (kba_logo_w.jpg) Manroland Sheetfed (manroland_logo_w.jpg)

Quick contact

Questionnaire services, products >>
Data reception, printing files >>

+420 466 812 111

Monday–Friday: 8:00 am–5:00 pm